Monday, September 6, 2010

Glenn Beck Rally Goers: Do We Look Racist? TBS

Is Glenn Beck setting himself up to be a martyr for his cause?

On Aug. 28 2010 Glenn Beck, TV personality, Radio host and all around nutcase, held a rally on the Mall in Washington D.C. The number of attendees range from a low of 100,000 to a high of 1.2 million (thank you Michelle Bachmann). I personally don’t care how many people show up to hear this loon speak, but if you look at the median number of 600,000 that’s less than .2% of the US population, that is less than the number of people that attended Yankee games that week. So I am not impressed, I would have thought there were more nut-jobs out there that had money to waste on this shame of a rally.

The big deal with the rally in my eyes was the message, and boy was it nut-bag crazy. If you remember the line from the 2008 campaign that was attributed to Obama about people clinging to Gods, Guns and Country, well these are the people. This was not just a political rally this was also a Religious rally. I have not heard how we should give ourselves to god so many times in one speech before. It has now become very clear to me that a portion of this Country are hoping for a Religious Theocracy and they are also so ignorant that they think the U.S. Constitution was written to give us that. How did this get this way, well just watch Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, the 700 club, listen to right-wing and Religious radio it is awash with this blatant ignorance.

So let’s get to the Headline, why do I ask the question” is Glenn Beck setting himself up to be a martyr” well let’s start with the fact that he was wearing a bullet proof vest as he gave his speech. Why? Did you hear any reports that someone was going to disrupt his speech, have you heard anyone report that someone was threatening him ? No, neither have I. This does play into 1) his personal paranoia and 2) it plays into the Victimhood that Republicans love to complain about. Glenn Beck has been building himself up over the last 4 to 5 years as a “leader” of a movement to “Take back America” from what he is always vague. He loves to spout off about Obama and the left attacking America from within, he cries Commie, Socialist, Marxist, or his new favorite Maoist. His followers have started to act like cultists in the attack people who disagree with him and they say he is a lone voice telling them the truth.

On any given night he will cry on his show that he is the only one that sees what is happening, he is the one telling you the truth and this is what cult leaders do. They get there victims to follow them by making them believe he is the only one that can save them.

So what will Glenn Beck do next? I don’t think he will go the Martyr road unless he really has to, right now he is getting his kicks and what he wants ( i.e. Money) from people but as he grows weirder and weirder the general public will push him away that is when we need to worry about what he will do. If he loses his show on Fox or the Radio, look out it will all come crashing down.

If you get a chance go and rent Bob Roberts it’s an Eye opener. I thought of that film while I was watching Beck speak at this rally in that bulletproof vest. If are not familiar with the movie Tim Robbins plays a young very conservative politician who is running for office and when it looks like he might lose he has someone shot him and then he pertains to be paralyzed to get votes. This is where Glenn Beck is headed.

Friday, August 27, 2010

How to Make Conservative a bad word: Use Facts

Since I was a kid the right or “conservatives” have worked very hard to make Liberal/Progressive a bad word and over the years they have somewhat succeeded. How many people respond to the question what is your political belief system? Well most people I know even though I know they are liberal say well I ‘am more of an Independent. When I get asked that question I say loudly and proudly, I ‘am a liberal progressive, you know the type that makes Rush Limbaugh mad. So why do people think Liberal is a bad thing to be, we all know the 30 year story of the right –wing attack on Liberals so I will not go into that. What his post is about is how to make Conservative a really bad word, which it should be. Conservatives has fought against advancement in this country since it’s founding.

So here is what you say and do next time someone asks you if you are a Liberal/Progressive/Commie, say “why yes I ‘am and I am very proud of what Liberals have done for this country”. Then ask them if they are a Conservative, if they say yes ask them what type of conservative are you, are you like the conservatives that didn’t think Woman deserved the right to Vote, or are you the type of conservative that didn’t or doesn’t think Blacks are equal to whites. Do you believe like Conservatives in the past that white people have a right to own other people, or that it is ok for a company to kill there employee’s? Ask them are you the type of conservative that thinks it is ok for a Company to lie about its product on TV and then not have to pay victims when the product harms them? Are they the type of Conservative that thinks that it is ok for companies to fire people just because they are gay or black or of a different political party? Do they believe like most conservatives that we should get rid of the IRS, FDA, OSHA, SEC, EPA and the Departments of Education and Labor? Do they agree with Conservatives that we should end Social Security and Medicare? Should Unemployment insurance be dropped? Should we allow senior citizens to fend for themselves when they get to old to work?

Now I can go on like that for some time and they get worse and worse and worse as you go, but you get the idea. The important thing is that the only way we have moved forward in this country is by doing Liberal and Progressive things and dismissing Conservatives and their “values” as we go. As you know I have not been a big supporter of President Obama on this blog but he did say something the other day that gets right to the point he said” to move a car forward you put the car in “D” and to go in reverse you but the car in “R” “now which way do you what to go, I like going forward.

So always remember “say it Loud and say it proud” I ‘am a liberal and then stay on the attack, you don’t need to defend being Liberal, history always does that.

Lets Liberalize America.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This is the Face of Political Cowardice

Do you think I should be putting President Obama’s face under that headline?

 Well I have to say since he has been elected president he has fought for nothing, and don’t give me the old he got healthcare passed, he got financial reform done he got a stimulus package through, I will say yes he did those things but he didn’t take any courageous stand to get that done.The way Obama has governed has been through back room deals, compromise and downright capitulation. When the Right wing propaganda machine at Feux News calls out someone in his administration, I.e. Van Jones , Dawn Johnston and now the latest scalp Shirley Sherrod , who as of writing this has not been asked to return to her job. Agriculture Secretary Vilsack has released a statement today saying he would” reconsider the case that led to the forced resignation of Sherrod”. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has also offered an apology from the White House.

All of this is good for Shirley Sherrod who should get her job back but what does this once again say about President Obama and his administration. There has been a pattern over the last two years and I am sick and tired of it, first Feux News runs a “Story” about someone in the administration and then the talk show guys (Beck,Hannity, O’Reilly and Fox & Friends) go on the war path, leaving the facts in the dust. Then after days of this drum beat the “news” shows on the network start “reporting” on the controversy.

CNN then picks it up and if the other networks don’t pick up the ball Feux News then starts reporting about why the other networks won’t report on this “highly controversial topic”. The problem is every time that Feux does this Obama covers his head and gives them what they want. Van Jones gone, the nomination of Dawn Johnston dropped, Shirley Sherrod forced out and I can go on and on he still has over 30 nominations for posts in the government he can’t get a vote on.

In the debate for Healthcare he talked a lot about fighting for the public option, I never saw him call out any of the Blue Dog Democrats who were fighting against it, no you saw them go after Dennis Kucinich. In the fight for Wall Street Reform did he side with the Franken amendment how about the Volcker Rule, nope. Every time there has been an important fight A Progressive Policy Obama has taken the easy way out, he never fights for what he believes in because in my opinion he does not believe in anything accept being a Politician.

President Obama ran on just one work in the elections of 2008 and that word was CHANGE. It is a good word but you know what change is hard and change takes courage, change takes leadership and chance takes standing up for what you say you believe in. Obama has been a complete and utter failure in all three of those things and I think it is high time that we Progressive/Liberals start to him understand that We are not blind sheep we are paying attention and we will not stand for is COWARDICE.

Friday, July 16, 2010


How To Achieve The Advantage When Debating A Right-Wing "Conservative."


1. Use facts... That's the end of the lesson. Really, that about sums it up. Usage of factual data throws them off, and it works every the audio below--taken from the first hour of the July 15th 2010 edition of the Thom Hartmann Program--will demonstrate. Any one who listens to the daily broadcasts of Hartmann's show will attest to the fact that, unlike bloviating right-wing talk show host monsters, Thom does not screen out callers (or guests, for that matter, whom he debates on every show) who hold opposing points-of-view. No. He goes out of his way to bring them on. He graciously welcomes, on a daily basis, any and all conservatives/Christian conservatives/Tea Partyists/Libertarians/Ayn Rand Objectivists, etc., of all stripes, ranging from the more mainstream-somewhat-level-headed of the bunch, to the seriously deranged.

This is truly a beautiful bit of audio, but it is one of many. So, please visit today.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

why doesn't the US press show this Protest in Israel

Now i have seen over the last few days how the US press is showing reactions to the killing of Civilians by the Israeis. The are showing "Arabs" burning Israel's flag and stomping on it, but i have not seen them show the Pro-Israel protest going on in Israel. They are even more disturbing. here is a video to show what i mean.

the most telling parts are what the protesters say, one man says " you know what the israeli army is guiltiy of? It's not whipping of the whole ship and killing everyone." They at this point start to attack and harass the translator for the film crew and then at one point they start chanting

" Death to the Arabs" now how do you like that.

this whole attack by Israel Makes my blood boil with rage, how can anyone who says they support Israel say this was just and lawful. Israel just committed an act of Piracy. They don't have a right to board a Turkish ship in International waters and take its people hostage, we do not allow this by the Somlia Pirates and it is wrong by the Israei army.
To those that say the Israelis were defending themselves to you i ask, if that was an Israeli boat and the Iranians attacked it in Inernational waters what would the Israel's response be?

Glenn Greenwald destroys MSNBC,USA Israel Bias

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Governor's Forum at the Living Green Expo,MN

This year is an election year here in Minnesota and it is time to elect a new Governor, and boy do we need one. The Forum included 2 candidates that call themselves independents (Tom Horner (ex-R) & Rob Hahn) and the 3 Democratic-Farm-Labor (Matt Entenza, Mark Dayton and Margaret Anderson Kelliher) The Republican candidate was invited but did not come to the event.
The crowd was small, I didn’t even know they were having this debate until I showed up at the expo to walk around and talk to the venders. They most have been expecting a lot more people they had seating for around 2000 but at the most there was 300 at any one time. They had seating on the deist for six people but as I said before only five came to the event. They each had 1 and a half minutes to make an opening statement and then there was to be 5 per vetted questions from state business groups.
The opening statements were what you would expect from a politician, vague and full of nothing. On my checklist the winner of the opening statement was hands down Matt Entenza, he was strong on environment issues and he had numbers and a plan. The first question was what goals and standards would the candidate set for recycling and waste reductions. Question one went to Mark Dayton, he talked about the role that government has to play in setting strong standards and penalties for corporate America to reduce and to give Americans the correct mind set for the future. On this question Rob Hahn used the phrase that would come to dominate most of his answers, “People need to take personal responsibility, and the government should not be telling people how to live their lives”.
Question two was about a new poll that came out that said 73% of Minnesotans support putting money into clean energy, and what would your administration do to support clean energy and what types do you think would be the best? The first candidate to answer this question was Rob Hahn and his answer made most of the audience gasp, his answer was that we needed to build one or two nuclear plants here in Minnesota, by the time he was done speaking most of the crowd had written him off. Entenza and Dayton did have some good ideas here but this round went to Margaret Anderson Kelliher, her plan includes that the state government should be carbon neutral by 2030 and she linked he clean energy bill to her jobs proposal. At this point Kelliher had to leave the debate for another event, unfortunate I was looking forward to finding out about her plans.
Question three, in 2008 we voted in the state of Minnesota to add a new tax so that the ”extra” money raised would go to protect wildlife and wilderness areas, but because of the budget short falls Pawlenty cut the money for the DNR and used only the money raised from the new tax. That was not the way the money was to be used, so what would you do about that money raised? Both Matt Entenza and Mark Dayton said that the voter’s intension was that the money was to enhance the DNR money and not replace it so they would keep their hands off it, but Mark Dayton went one step further and talked about where his priorities were and that our wildlife and wilderness need to be protected at all cost.
Question four was about good farming practices and what the candidate’s administration would do about pollutions run-off into our water ways from farms? Matt Entenza wins this one, with once again having a plan ready, easements, state standards and working with communities on permitting of big farms.
Question five, was on Bio-Fuels, mainly ethanol, what would you do to make Minnesota first in Bio-Fuels? Mark Dayton hit this one out of the park for me, he talked about how ethanol from corn was just a first step, but we need to also be working towards fuel from grasses instead and we need to be working towards electric and hybrid cars. I will give Rob Hahn and also Tom Horner credit for saying that they didn’t like ethanol as a fuel and that we should be looking elsewhere.
Question five ended the pre-screened part of the debate; the candidate’s now had to think on their feet for the next set of questions.
First Unscreened question was, what would your administration do to protect and cleanup the pollution in Lake Superior? Both Dayton and Entenza would set strong standards and enforce the regulations that are in place. Rob Hahn once again gave us Personal responsibility.
Question two was what are we going to do with the nuclear waste that is being stored and the Prairie Island Plant? Matt Entenza and Mark Dayton were on top of this one, but it goes to Dayton who while he was in the Senate he worked on the Yucca Mountain debacle, and said Nuclear is off the table.
Question Three; How will you insure that chemicals do not end up in our toys? Matt Entenza and Mark Dayton would both work with the FDA and the EPA, but Dayton made to case that this is where government’s role is.
Question Four; what was the candidate’s thought about allowing mining in the Boundary waters? Once again Matt Entenza and Mark Dayton were at the head of the field, saying the permits need to be reviewed and that they should not go forward.
Question five, and I’m very happy they got to this one; what is your plan on public transportation? This one was a homerun for Entenza, he has a plan to bring rail to the whole state, not just to Minneapolis or Saint Paul.
So where do we stand for the overall debate; it was close but I would give the win to Matt Entenza with Mark Dayton coming in a very close second. Margaret Anderson Kelliher comes in third even though she left after the second question, but Tom Horner and Rob Hahn were just that bad.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Young Turks

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Clean Energy Policies of the G-20: Is the USA a leader or a follower?

Let’s talk about a new report that came out from the Pew Charitable Trusts Environment Group called “ Who is winning the clean energy race?:Growth, Competition and opportunity in the world’s largest economies” This report is for the G-20 countries.
Here is the link to the Pew’s web page were you can read the summary of the report and you can link to the PDF of the report, it is only 44 pages and a very easy read and it breaks down each counties clean energy profile in some detail. Over all a great report, but I would expect nothing less from the researchers at the Pew Charitable Trust.
The underlying data for this report was compiled for the Pew Environment Group by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the world’s leading provider of news, data and analysis on clean energy and carbon market finance and investment. Always remember that Bloomberg calls themselves that, it is not an endorsement by me, but the underlining data looks sound. Now this report was on just the G-20 nations.
This is from the Executive Summary of the report.
Within the G-20, our research finds that domestic policy decisions impact the competitive positions of
Member countries. Those nations—such as China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain—with
Strong, national policies aimed at reducing global warming pollution and incentivizing the use of renewable
Energy is establishing stronger competitive positions in the clean energy economy. Nations seeking to
Compete effectively for clean energy jobs and manufacturing would do well to evaluate the array of policy
Mechanisms that can be employed to stimulate clean energy investment. China, for example, has set
Ambitious targets for wind, biomass and solar energy and, for the first time, took the top spot within the
G-20 and globally for overall clean energy finance and investment in 2009. The United States slipped to
Second place.
There are reasons to be concerned about America’s competitive position in the clean energy marketplace.

Relative to the size of its economy, the United States’ clean energy finance and investments lag behind
Many of its G-20 partners. For example, in relative terms, Spain invested five times more than the United
States last year, and China, Brazil and the United Kingdom invested three times more. In all, 10 G-20
Members devoted a greater percentage of gross domestic products to clean energy than the United States
In 2009. Finally, the Unites States is on the verge of losing its leadership position in installed renewable
Energy capacity, with China surging in the last several years to a virtual tie.
The U.S. policy framework for reducing global warming pollution and promoting renewable energy
Remains uncertain, with comprehensive legislation stalled in Congress. On the other hand, America’s
Entrepreneurial traditions and strengths in innovation—especially its leadership in venture capital
Investing—is considerable, giving it the potential to recoup leadership and market share in the future.
Policy, investment and business experts alike have noted that the clean energy economy is emerging as
One of the great global economic and environmental opportunities of the 21st century. Local, state and
National leaders in the United States and around the world increasingly recognize that safe, reliable, clean
Energy—solar, wind, bioenergy and energy efficiency—can be harnessed to create jobs and businesses,
Reduce dependence on foreign energy sources, enhance national security and reduce global warming
Nations seeking to compete effectively for clean energy jobs and manufacturing would do well to evaluate
The array of policy mechanisms that can be employed to stimulate clean energy investment. This is
Especially true for policymakers in the United States, which is at risk of falling further behind its G-20
Competitors in the coming years unless it adopts a strong national policy framework to spur more robust
Clean energy investment.

The United States needs to increase their clean energy investment and increase it now. Pew found that from 2005 to 2009 overall investment grew by 230 % and in 2009 $162 Billion was invested globally.
The US does head the list of Renewable Energy capacity at:
1. United States 53.3 Giga-watts
2. China 52.5 Giga-watts
3. Germany 36.2 Giga-watts
4. Spain 22.4 Giga-watts
5. India 16.5 Giga-watts
6. Japan 12.9 Giga-watts
7. Rest of EU-27 12.3 Giga-watts
8. Italy 9.8 Giga-watts
9. France 9.4 Giga-watts
10. Brazil 9.1 Giga-watts

But in the top ten of five year growth the US falls to 8th

1. South Korea 249% increase
2. China 79% increase
3. Australia 40% increase
4. France 31% increase
5. India 31% increase
6. UK 30% increase
7. Turkey 30% increase
8. USA 24% increase
9. Canada 18% increase
10. Rest of EU 17% increase
Bloomberg reports that investment will rise 25 percent in 2010 because of ongoing priorities for energy security, global warming pollution reduction and job creation; this will increase the global investment from $162 billion to about $200 billion.
China is emerging as the world’s clean energy powerhouse. For the first time, China took the top spot for overall clean energy finance and investment in 2009, pushing the United States into second place. Having built a strong manufacturing base and export markets, China is working now to meet domestic demand by installing substantial new clean energy-generating capacity to meet ambitious renewable energy targets. The United States clean energy investment fell 40 percent, compared with the previous year. Further declines were avoided through long-term extension of federal production and investment tax credits and initial funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(Stimulus bill) ,which helped to shore up investments in the latter half of 2009. Despite this influx of investment, there are reasons to be concerns about the U.S. competitive position in the clean energy marketplace.
In dollars China invested 34.6 billion in 2009 with the United States invested only 18.6 billion, China invested almost double the US. In five year growth Turkey is at the head of that list with an increase of 178%, China is increasing investment by 148%, while the United States is only increasing by 103%. Even though overall clean energy finance and investment in the United States more than doubled, its growth rate lagged behind most of the G-20. In addition, the policy framework in the US for reducing global warming pollution and increasing renewable energy remains uncertain, with comprehensive legislation stalled in Congress.
Strong domestic policies like feed-in tariffs, National renewable and energy efficiency standards, carbon reduction targets and/or financial incentives for production, have shifted the competitive positions of the G-20 , with the countries at have set ambitious targets moving faster and with more purpose towards a cleaner energy future, and putting them in the leadership role in the clean energy sector.
Nations seeking to compete effectively for the clean energy jobs and manufacturing could mimic the array of policy mechanisms that can be employed to simulate clean energy investment. The United States is a case in point. With a mixed policy framework (no carbon policy and a patchwork of state renewable energy standards) the US has a comparatively week clean energy economy. The US should be looking to the policies that China and most of the EU nations have already put in place as a base line for our targets.
In the Pew report if you look at the overall renewable energy sectors we have Solar heat/Photo , Wind , Biomass ,Geothermal ,Marine and Small/Large Hydro. Overall the largest renewable energy being used in the world is Wind and second would be Solar. The National ranking of renewable energy used by a percentage of overall usage is:
Spain currently gets 30.10% of its energy from Renewable the second leading country is Germany at 29% of its energy from renewable, just to show how far we are behind them the US gets only 4% of our energy from renewable and China also gets 4 % of their energy from renewable. China has already set new goal that by 2020 they will get 40% of their energy from renewable sources. The US has not yet set a national goal but most States have one, Minnesota has a goal of 20% by 2025. That goal is not what I would call ambitious. Minnesota has the ability to get all of its energy from renewable types of energy, if we really wanted to have a real goal how about 30 % by 2020, just think of the jobs a goal like that would create. Building windmills and solar panels, installing units, maintaining those units, writing grants requests, drawing up site plans, and those jobs cannot be out-sourced.
Now let’s compare the clean energy profiles of the US and China.
Total Investment: China $34.6 Billion USA $18.6 Billion
5-year growth rate: China 147.7 % USA 102.7 %
Total Capacity: China 52.5 Giga-watts USA 53.4 Giga-watts
5-year growth rate: China 78.9% USA 24.3%
Current Wind Sector: China 12,200 MW USA 31,900 MW
Current Solar Sector: China 140 MW USA 0
Current Biomass sector: China 2,880 MW USA 0
2020 Targets Wind: China 30,000 MW USA No Target
2020 Targets Solar: China 1,800 MW USA No Target
2020 Targets biomass: China 30,000 MW USA No Target
This does not look go for the US when you look at the numbers and the Targets, so let’s look at the National clean energy policies. China has Renewable energy standards, clean energy tax incentives, auto efficiency standards, feed-in tariffs and green bonds. The US has clean energy tax incentives, auto efficiency standards and Government procurement. Once again the US is getting left behind because we cannot get leadership in Washington to take these issues seriously.
So we now know that the US is falling behind the world community so what type of bills do we currently have going thru the House and Senate right now to get us back in a leadership position.
Well both bills H.R.2454 and S.1733 are weak and fall way short of just the basic goals that the rest of the world has set.
First the House bill H.R.2454 or the Waxman-Markley bill has set the following goals
20% of our electric energy from renewable energy by 2020
Reduce carbon emissions by 17% by 2020 and over 80% by 2050 this is compared to 2005 levels. According to the world organization in 2005 at the NOAA Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii the atmospheric CO2 level was 372ppm.Since 2005 that level has gone up from 372ppm to 392.61ppm, which is an average yearly increase of 4.12ppm. So even if we get to within 805 of our 2005 numbers like the bills in Congress set as goals it is still above the 350ppm that the rest of the world is shooting for and also is years too late.
Also in the House bill is this amount of investment.
190 billion total investment over the next 15 years
90 billion to (new) investments by 2025
60 billion for carbon capture and sequestration
20 billion for electric and other advanced tech vehicles
20 billion for basic scientific research & development

First 190 billion is not enough, we will spend that this year times 3 on military spending if we are going to say we are taking this seriously we need to be spending 300 to 400 billion because China has pledged to invest over 1 trillion on Clean energy over the next 10 years, I personal don’t think they will spend that much but they will spend at least half that.
My biggest pet-peeve is Clean Coal Tech, there is no such thing, and yes we can capture some carbon as it comes out of the smoke stack, but we have yet to prove scientifically that it is possible to store it using sequestration and/or how long it would stay sequestered. This is what the energy companies do every time we try to get them to change they come up with a great new idea, like going from gas to hydrogen, that may be possible but it will take decades before we find out if or how we can do it plus it will be so expensive that it will need government help. Instead they don’t look at the basic steps to move forward, (i.e.) going from gas to hybrids then onto electric.
20 billion is not enough for Car tech, that is where we should be investing a lot of our money,30 to 60 billion, and don’t just give it to the big auto makers, give it to companies like Tesla or Smart companies that have proven that they can work outside the box and come up with working ideas. Big business in this country at one time if asked to do something hard, like go to the moon in ten years, would say yes we can do that, and then they would go out and do it in fewer years 8 to make the point. Business now says we can’t do that it will cost too much money; we would have to change our whole business model. This type of thinking is why the US government under Bill Clinton gave the big three auto makers 250 billion dollars in the 90’s to develop electric cars and we got basic modals that were very expensive and then they worked very hard to kill the program and then we get hybrid cars from japan,they knew how to take just the next logical step forward. How much money did we give Japan for hybrid vehicles 0 dollars.
Now onto the Senate Bill,S.1733
This bill is almost the same as the house bill, but since it has not been put together fully yet has no real numbers in it, but it once again falls very short of what I call the basic goals we need to meet. This is from the Summary of the bill.
“A new congressional approach to achieving energy solutions. This bill departs from previous initiatives by taking a more comprehensive approach to the fundamental problems we face today. The President has directed new funds for the task of addressing energy and climate, and this bill’s provisions support the President’s goals. Our efforts center around four urgent priorities: putting America back in control of our energy future, reasserting economic leadership and competitiveness, protecting our families from pollution, and ensuring our national security.”
The senate puts more money into Clean Coal and also adds money for Nuclear. I like the house bill leaves what I consider the best first step of wind and solar on the low end of funding. It also takes the weak and expected course of not telling companies what they need to do but I quote” Turning clean energy into an American economic advantage by taking bold steps to encourage companies to embrace clean energy technology” When in our history has a company done anything that they were encouraged to do if it would cost them money. Did the NHSTA encourage Auto companies to put seat belts in there cars, no they mandated it, and that’s the approach we need to take now.
What should we be spending our money on, now this is only my opinion but we should be spending our money on Wind and Solar, we have plants in this country right now that we could be ramping up to build the turbines and PV panels that we need ,these would be America jobs and it would put people back to work lowering the unemployment numbers, next we also need to upgrade our out of date electric grid, we need an “CC Corp” to build this important infrastructure, how many times do we have to loss electric serves just because it rained or snowed hard, this is 2010, why do we have above ground lines at all. We should be investing in companies that have shown that they have the “Can do” work ethic and then hold they to deadlines to get work done. Electric and long range Hybrid vehicles are what we should be working towards and then we should be working on our next step, be it Hydrogen or something else.
We need to stop subsidizing to the old fossil fuel companies this means Oil, Gas and Coal. We will never move onto new forms of energy as long as these old forms remain artificially cheap. Nuclear is out totally in my opinion, it is just too expensive and we do not have the mines in this country to produce enough Nuclear fuel to support the industry, also there is a massive safety issue with storage and transportation . we also need more efficiency standards as well as people need to understand their own energy usage. Go around your house and unplug things you don’t need on, make sure you replace your light bulbs, get a Kill-o-watt unit, it will save you money and help reduce our power usage.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

New FCC plan for National Broadband Access: Fraud or first step

I have a question for you, where does the USA place in MBPS broadband compared to the rest of the world?

Where do we rank? 1st, 10th , 15th how about 21st, Close we ranked 19th in the world. The US has an average mbps download speed of just 5mbps and upload is just 1mbps according to that is 1/20th the download speed in Hong Kong, Japan or France and 1/100th the upload speed. In Hong Kong today 100mbps in upload/download speed is about $20 per month. I will assume that you are paying more than that for less.

Since the 1990’s States have been paying companies like AT & T and what has become Verizon to upgrade the “old copper” phone networks called, the Public Switched Telephone Networks or PSTN, this is the wiring to most homes, offices, schools and libraries. This is what most would call the critical infrastructure for what most services travel over today. They were to upgrade the old copper line with fiber optics and they have been paid over those years to do this though taxes and incentives to the tune of about $320 Billion dollars. Like so many companies before them they took the money and did as little work as they could, today AT&T has pulled a bait-and-switch because they are still using the old system for their U-Verse service and have stopped building out new fiber optic networks and has failed to upgrade the infrastructure over the last 15 years and they have done this in almost 22 states.

In the new FCC plan it is going to pay for the improvements by adding broadband to the Universal Service Fund Tax- this is not a problem if they don’t then contract the companies that have failed to bring us high speed broadband in the last 20 years with $320 billion of our money already.

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said last month” the 100 squared initiatives is 100 million households at 100mbps by 2020 – will unleash American ingenuity and ensure that businesses, large and small are created here, move here and stay here”

So we are going to have this network in 10 years when the top 5 on the mbps ranking already have this today, I don’t think that’s a good plan. Then there is this from the International time, they quoted Qwest Communications International Chief Executive Edward Mueller when asked about the plan, “A 100 mbps is just a dream”, “we can’t afford it”

Qwest has received over $89 billion from State and local governments over the last 10 years from upgrading services and they have only increased their broadband coverage by 10%.

Now on to the Plan, It was released on March 16 2010 and you can read or download it at, I have read through this report 376 pages of what the FCC things will make the USA number 1 in the World, by 2020 of course. I will not get into everything in the plan in this report I will just be talking about what the basic overview I took from my first read.

These are the long term stated goals of the plan

Goal 1: at least 100 million U.S. homes should have affordable access to actual download speeds of at least 100 mbps and actual upload speeds of at least 50mbps by 2020

Goal 2: The United States should lead the world in mobile innovation, with the fastest and most extensive wireless networks of any nation.

Goal 3: Every American should have affordable access to robust broadband service, and the means and skills to subscribe if they choose.

Goal 4: Every American community should have affordable access to at least 1gbps broadband service to anchor institutions such as schools, hospitals and government buildings.

Goal 5: To ensure the safety of the American people every first responder should have access to a nationwide wireless, interoperable broadband public safety network.

Goal 6: To ensure that America leads in the clean energy economy, every American should be able to use broadband to track and manage their real-time energy consumption.

Where to start Goal number one is a nice goal to have but I will rely on the rest of the world standing still for 10 years, also they keep using the word affordable without defining what it means, what I think is affordable might not be what you think is affordable. Point of fact I live in a rural area and I have very limited choices on broadband pricing they start at $45 per month for just 256kbps up to $399 per month for 5 mbps, by way of comparison I if I lived just 15 miles north I could get broadband through a cable company starting at just $20 per month and get 1mbps.

Goal 2 is something entirely different, first there is a big difference between broadband and wireless, from reading the report this goal is setting up the ending of the PSTN network for phones, AT&T is already asking to be let out from under there obligations to continue to maintain the old wired phone network because they “can’t make money at it” but as most things you need to look at their SEC filings to see they are lying about that. In 2009 AT&T made a $123 billion, the wire line business made $66 billion and that was $12 billion more than their wireless business, but the wireless side has less restrictions and higher profit margins. The FCC even admits that a full 20% of American household still get there only phone service through the PSTN that amounts to over 60 million people that will have to go to cell phones if that network is ended, just think about moving from analog TV to digital and you know what I mean.

Goal 3 is what I call a filler goal, if you can’t access and use a computer now in 10 years you will most likely be dead, meaning that the only person I know that can’t use the internet are my grandmother and she is turning 90 this year, while I hope she lives for another 10 years even if she does she will still not use a computer. Once again they use the word affordable and do not define it.

Goal 4: This one I like a lot, but once again it falls short, there is no reason we could not be close to this goal now.

Goal 5: I thought that his one was already on the books, after 9/11 we put billions into first responder systems, so why didn’t we think ahead and upgrade the whole system, oh that’s right repugs were in charge.

Goal 6: This one is just a token BS goal, I am a green person and I don’t care about this. Every report now a day has to have its Green Energy part and it is not needed here.

Ok so to the headline is this plan a fraud or a first step, I think that question will be answered by the way they go about implementing the plan if they just give tax incentives to AT&T , Qwest , Verizon or other big companies to make it happen through the “free market” it is a fraud, but if the government comes through and takes the hands on approach and does a real bidding for contract process and then punishes contractors if they don’t me there goals and does a “STRONG” regulation package then this is a first step, but in the long run if they really want to lead the rest of the world on this they need to do it in less than 5 years. Make this part of a new Public works program to rebuild our countries infrastructure.

I can get behind that.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

ACORN stepped on...

Pardon my language, but; the bastards finally succeeded with their rabid misanthropic ideologically-driven-years-long obsession to wipe out an organization that worked! An organization whose sole altruistic purpose was to HELP, DAMN IT!!

GritTV: The Witch Hunt Against ACORN

03/25/2010 by Julie Hollar

FAIR's Jim Naureckas appeared on GritTV yesterday to discuss media coverage of ACORN:


The World Can't Wait Update

The World Can't Wait
Stop the Crimes of Your Government
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The We Are Not Your Soldiers Tour began today in Cleveland!


Thanks to your donations, Liz & Anthony are in several schools in Cleveland and Columbus this week. Report and photos at

The tour team is actively scheduling schools now for April/May, and next fall. Contact the tour at (347) 385-2195 or email.

PhoneThursday April 1. No fooling... 10pm EST/7pm PST. Call in to discuss the We Are Not Your Soldiers tour, make suggestions, learn more.

here for instructions.


In the last month, the number of sustaining donors paying the monthly bills of World Can't Wait has almost doubled... but we're not there yet.

This newsletter is not free, for example. It's the main way people hear from World Can't Wait, and costs $400 per month to send to tens of thousands. You can help by becoming a
monthly sustainer, and making a recurring donation.

Overnight, secretly, President Obama went to Afghanistan. His mission was to twist the arm of Hamid Karzai, the hand-picked Afghan leader. He wasn't actually re-elected, but has Washington's massive backing, for the moment.

Karzai is being urged to get tough with the heroin smugglers who populate his government, because they embarass the U.S. Even Fox News reported yesterday that both Karzai's vice presidents are warlords reputed to have killed thousands; hence they are not popular with the people, and Karzai's influence is limited to where US firepower backs him.

The New York Times reports this morning that Obama talked to Karzai about "continuing to make progress" on the "rule of law" in Afghanistan. I'm sure the 800+ detainees who are being held by the U.S. at Bagram Prison find that ironic, coming from the president who argues in US court that they can't be allowed habeas corpus rights.

There's more on developments in the war and our protests against those wars today in my blog:

The Bush regime carried out the destruction of civil society in Iraq. The electrical, educational, sewage, water, and security systems. In the process 1.2 million, displaced more than 4 million, tortured unknown numbers directly in detention, and made the country unlivable. The Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war amounted to a war crime on its face, of aggressive war.

Should we stop talking about that? Much of this country thinks the war is a) over or b) ending because Obama is withdrawing troops, even though private contractors are still pouring in for a permanent US military occupation. Foreign policy is gone from the headlines...

Highlights of last weekend's protests

Marching in DC

Stephanie Tang of World Can't Wait: Obama's War is Killing the Afghan People, not Saving Them in San Francisco (video)
Washington DC March 20:
Read AP report. AP video.
The Nightmare Will End When We Wake Up! from Iraq war resister & Afghan war veteran Matthis Chiroux
Friday March 19, 150 of us disrupted and protested John Yoo at the University of VA: See David Swanson's report: John Yoo: A President Can Nuke the United States

See these and more on

Cindy Sheehan: Peace Outlaws
Craig Considine: 'Suspected Militants'
"Why does it seem these daysthat every bomb dropped and every missile strike kills 'suspected militants?' It is either a great coincidence that the targets are real militants or governments, like the US and Pakistan, are applying the label to try to cover up killing innocent civilians..."
Andy Worthington: Seven Years of War in Iraq: Still Based on Cheney's Torture and Lies
Ken Theisen: Obama: "Seriously Considering" Legalization of Permanent Prison Without Trial (a.k.a. "Indefinite Incarceration")
Debra Sweet: Fordham University: Prettifying C.I.A. Clandestine Operations

Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can't Wait

P.S. Watch an interesting piece on Democracy Now this morning: As the President renews his commitment to expand the American military presence in Afghanistan, we turn to a man he is sometimes compared to: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A new special on PBS from TV host and author Tavis Smiley delves into this comparison and looks at a speech that has a particular resonance today with the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan: Dr. King's famous antiwar speech of April 4, 1967 titled "Beyond Vietnam."

Tonight at 8:30 p.m. Eastern, C-SPAN2 will air 'We Count! The Black Agenda is the American Agenda,' the gathering of black leadership he recently hosted in Chicago. On Wednesday night, PBS will air Tavis Smiley's special, featuring Cornel West, "MLK: A Call to Conscience."

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To make a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more in support of WCW's educational activities, please make checks out to "The Alliance for Global Justice," a 501(3)(c) organization, and designate "for WCW" in the check memo line.

Monday, March 29, 2010


From Senator Bernie Sanders

March 26, 2010

The greed and recklessness of Wall Street has created the most severe economic recession since the 1930s. Millions of people have lost their homes and savings, and 17 percent of our people are unemployed or underemployed. Wall Street is now spending billions of dollars on lobbying and campaign contributions to make sure that they can continue to act in the reckless and unregulated manner which led us to where we are today. We cannot allow that to happen.

Among other very important reforms, Congress must stop big banks from ripping off consumers by charging credit card interest rates of 35 percent or more. That is why I will offer an amendment to stop usury in America and place a reasonable cap on what lenders may charge credit card customers, similar to the limit already in place and working well for credit unions.

Here’s how you can help. Members of Congress definitely will hear from the big bankers and their well-paid lobbyists. I think they need to hear from you too. They need to hear about your real-world experiences with these loan sharks in three-piece suits. Let me know how credit card companies have treated you, and I will read some of your stories on the Senate floor.

There also must be greater transparency at the Federal Reserve. The Senate banking committee chairman wants to allow the Government Accountability Office to audit the Fed's emergency lending programs, but bar GAO from naming loan recipients and detailing the terms. That’s not good enough. As long as the Federal Reserve is allowed to keep secrets about its loans, we will never know the true financial condition of the banking system. The lack of transparency could lead to an even bigger crisis in the future.

The financial reform bill also falls short on breaking up financial institutions considered “too-big-to-fail.” For the most part, the proposed legislation would let regulators intervene only after a financial institution was on the verge of collapse. We cannot wait for the next crisis to solve this problem. We have got to take action now.

We also should insist on an independent agency to protect financial consumers. Putting such an agency at the Federal Reserve is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Congress already has given the Fed the chance to enforce consumer financial protection. It failed miserably.

Finally, the financial reform bill does not do nearly enough to reform credit default swaps and other arcane financial products that led to the collapse of Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, resulted in a $182 billion bailout of American International Group, and precipitated the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. Many of these financial weapons of mass destruction don't just need to be regulated, they should be banned.

Send an e-mail about your experience with credit card interest rates.