Do you think I should be putting President Obama’s face under that headline?
Well I have to say since he has been elected president he has fought for nothing, and don’t give me the old he got healthcare passed, he got financial reform done he got a stimulus package through, I will say yes he did those things but he didn’t take any courageous stand to get that done.The way Obama has governed has been through back room deals, compromise and downright capitulation. When the Right wing propaganda machine at Feux News calls out someone in his administration, I.e. Van Jones , Dawn Johnston and now the latest scalp Shirley Sherrod , who as of writing this has not been asked to return to her job. Agriculture Secretary Vilsack has released a statement today saying he would” reconsider the case that led to the forced resignation of Sherrod”. Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has also offered an apology from the White House.
All of this is good for Shirley Sherrod who should get her job back but what does this once again say about President Obama and his administration. There has been a pattern over the last two years and I am sick and tired of it, first Feux News runs a “Story” about someone in the administration and then the talk show guys (Beck,Hannity, O’Reilly and Fox & Friends) go on the war path, leaving the facts in the dust. Then after days of this drum beat the “news” shows on the network start “reporting” on the controversy.
CNN then picks it up and if the other networks don’t pick up the ball Feux News then starts reporting about why the other networks won’t report on this “highly controversial topic”. The problem is every time that Feux does this Obama covers his head and gives them what they want. Van Jones gone, the nomination of Dawn Johnston dropped, Shirley Sherrod forced out and I can go on and on he still has over 30 nominations for posts in the government he can’t get a vote on.
In the debate for Healthcare he talked a lot about fighting for the public option, I never saw him call out any of the Blue Dog Democrats who were fighting against it, no you saw them go after Dennis Kucinich. In the fight for Wall Street Reform did he side with the Franken amendment how about the Volcker Rule, nope. Every time there has been an important fight A Progressive Policy Obama has taken the easy way out, he never fights for what he believes in because in my opinion he does not believe in anything accept being a Politician.
President Obama ran on just one work in the elections of 2008 and that word was CHANGE. It is a good word but you know what change is hard and change takes courage, change takes leadership and chance takes standing up for what you say you believe in. Obama has been a complete and utter failure in all three of those things and I think it is high time that we Progressive/Liberals start to him understand that We are not blind sheep we are paying attention and we will not stand for is COWARDICE.
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